Monday, September 22, 2014

Fairy Swirls

My Grandma always used to tell us that there were fairies all around us.  They would leave us little surprises in secret hiding places.  Then securely hidden from our view, they would wait and watch for us to discover the magical things they had created, just for us.

Recently, our warm September weather took a turn into freezing temperatures for a few nights and had I been a bit younger, I might have believed that I'd been visited once again by the fairies my Grandma had successfully convinced me existed during my childhood years.

I brought most of my plants inside to save them from the frost but left behind a plate that typically holds a beautiful pot of flowers.  A thin layer of dirt covered the plate and as the water from the moist air began to freeze, it some how created immaculate swirls that remained behind even after the water evaporated, leaving only the dirt behind.

In my mind, for a brief moment in time, I thought back to the fairies of my childhood and imagined them ice skating across the frozen plate, twirling and swirling to create the magic that was left behind in the dirt.

I know that such a thing is only a figment of my childhood imagination.  Fairies or no fairies, I will always be amazed at the simple yet immaculate things I find in nature, and deep down perhaps I will always give the little fairies the credit for hiding something wonderful just for me to find.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Card Collection: Busy Little Bee

I've been working hard and I'm excited to share with you the photos that comprise my first card collection.  After a lot of thought, I've decided to try my hand at the business of card making and selling.  It's been a fun way to share my photos in an inexpensive way.

So tonight, I'd like to share with you my first compilation.  My Busy Little Bee photos are pretty self explanatory.  The photos are meant to show the amazing little bees among the beautiful flowers - just one of natures many amazing features.

Busy Little Bee