One of the reasons why I love summer is because when I attempt to wake up at five o'clock every morning, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. It seems to be a little easier to get up knowing that the world around me is also waking up.
Due to the craziness of life the past month, I have been a little unsuccessful with getting up so early in the morning. Last night, as I planned out my day, I was ready to get back on track. As soon as the five o'clock alarm went off I was going to get up, take care of some things in my "garden," go on a walk and just enjoy the slower pace of having extra time to get ready.
You can only imagine my disappointment this morning when my alarm went off and I popped out of bed only to find that it was still dark outside. I stared at my clock and thought something must be wrong. But after checking several other clocks I realized that my early morning sunshine had vanished until next summer.
I plopped back down in bed and bitterly imagined how I would have felt with the warm sun on my face cutting through the brisk morning air. And then I slowly drifted back to sleep hoping that the next time I woke it would be a little less dark, a little less dreary and a lot more cheery.
When I did eventually wake back up the sun was up, the birds were singing and everything seemed to be right in the world. This all got me thinking about how important the sun is. It lights our world, it helps things grow, and it provides us with the vital vitamin D. No matter what storms come our way and regardless of how violent they may be, the darkness and despair will always be driven away by the sun. It will always come back to us to light our way.
I love how in the English language sun and son sound the same. Much like the sun gives me comfort, hope and reassurance of a new day, the Son brings me so much more comfort, more hope and more reassurance of a new day. The sun is a constant reminder to me of the Son, who without none of us could truly live. Even when the sun fails to shine on me, I will always have the light of the Son to lift and carry me.
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."
~Revelations 21:4~