Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Hidden Things

So often in life I am amazed at the things that I just don't notice.  I get so used to my surroundings that I start to miss some of the most beautiful hidden aspects of every day life.  It's easy to get busy and not notice the unique beauty that is hiding right in front of our eyes.  I'm reminded of the old adage "if it would have been a snake it would have bitten you."

The pictures to follow all have something hidden in them.  Something that at first might not be noticed.  Our eyes may glance over it, unsure of what they are missing.  So can you spy with your little eye?  I'd be curious to hear about what you find!


  1. I am not certain I am seeing the "hidden" thing in the first or third pictures, but I can spot things in the others. Should I say what I see or should I let others give their observations first? I think I will wait! Great pictures!

  2. The second and fourth pictures give you hints for the first and third - just from a different perspective.
