Monday, August 11, 2014

Consider the Lilies

I have mixed feelings about lilies.  They are such gorgeous flowers with an amazingly powerful fragrance.  I marvel at their intricate design, beautiful colors and graceful presence.  You may be wondering why I would have mixed feelings about something so wonderful.

I once received an Easter Lily plant from my Mom as a spring present.  I was so excited that I'd get to have a plant of my own in my room, especially one that was so beautiful.  Every morning I would wake up sneezing, my eyes watering and my nose stuffy.  I knew what was causing my symptoms but there was absolutely no way that I was giving up that beautiful plant that made my room smell like the Garden of Eden.

Eventually the allergy symptoms won and it was decided that the lily could no longer reside in my room.  I still love lilies and I think part of that love comes from the inspiration they bring me.

"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin."
~Matthew 6:28~

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