Wednesday, July 23, 2014


My Grandmother recently passed away which has led me to spend a lot of time contemplating my place in this world.  I am my Grandmother's namesake and I feel as though I have her legacy to uphold.  She was the most kind, caring person I have ever known.  She was a true woman of service.  She always believed in me and encouraged me to reach for my dreams.

I have always had a love for taking pictures.  I love capturing the memories that words can't quite describe and Gram always loved my pictures.  I've been contemplating trying my hand at photography for quite some time but never felt like I was skilled enough.  I don't like to edit pictures and prefer that I capture the perfect print by simply using my vision and perspective to capture the moments that I love most.

With the passing of Gram, I realize that I need to chase my dream.  I will never get better if I don't practice.  I wasn't able to be what my Grandmother knew I could be while she was here but I know that she will still be with me.

One of my Gram's favorite places was her beloved Meadow.  As I spent time down there with my camera I captured how I was feeling with a simple picture.

As I sit here and ponder in this place that she loved
I realize that I have some big shoes to fill.
But I do not worry for she is still here.
I may not see her but I'm sure she sees me.
I'm filled with her love as the sun kisses my cheeks
And it's almost as if the wind's whispering "I love you dear."
I look at my reflection in the water ahead
And realize she's looking back through my gaze.
As I sit here and ponder in this place that she loved
I know that she's with me looking down from above.


  1. I love this Katie <3 You're posts and photos are so beautiful!

  2. Aww thank you! Writing and taking photos has been a good release.
