Friday, August 1, 2014

Finding Success Among the Failures

I love flowers and I love trying to capture their beauty.  It never ceases to amaze me how many colors, shapes and designs these amazing creations come in.  Each one is unique, elegant and just down right beautiful.

I never realized how different each kind of flower is until I started trying to capture them up close.  My first adventure in photographing flowers was in my mid-teens and I used a digital camera that most people would laugh at now days.  I took hundreds of pictures, many of which were out of focus, crooked and honestly just not very good pictures.

After returning home, I anxiously downloaded my pictures onto a computer which was as equally clunky as the camera I'd just used.  After looking through about half of the photos, I was a little disappointed because in my mind I thought I was taking amazing photos.  As discouragement started to set in, I stumbled across this gem.

To this day, I think this is one of my most favorite flower photos that I've taken (and I've taken a lot!).  I learned that day that despite all of my crummy photos, I was able to take good ones.  With practice, learning  and patience I could capture something beautiful.

I think the same is true in many aspects of life.  We get frustrated and give up without finishing.  What would have happened if I would have followed my discouraged temptation just to delete the first round of pictures when half way through I thought I didn't have anything worthwhile?  I would have lost something beautiful.

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